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The Process


The first step is a conversation between us by phone or email to determine if we are likely to be a good fit and schedule match.  If we determine it might be a good fit, the first appointment is called intake, your explanation of your concerns and I gather information. This is “drawing a road map, of where you are, where you’ve been and where you want to go”.  It includes defining together the “problem” and the goal.  We may define the “problem” in terms of frequency, intensity and duration to measure whether what we are doing is effective in reducing the problem/ symptom and reaching the goal.



How Long Does Therapy Take?


How long it will take depends on the goal, the scope of the problem and the other factors associated with it.  Some issues can be addressed in 1-3 sessions, some make take 3-6 months, some require ongoing regular (though not necessarily weekly) support.  Usually at the beginning of the process we try to meet weekly as we get the work under way and on a roll.  Once progress and stabilization is under way, we may shift to every other week and/or space out the appointments to some regular schedule to support your own growth and maintenance.  We will regularly evaluate progress toward the goal and discuss the treatment plan. 



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